Frequently Asked Questions

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Groups outside an organization that provide services, support or, in other ways, impact the company.
Marketing service that aids clients in assessing different media options and providing other promotional assistance.
A form of promotional price adjustment, primarily used by retailers to increase customer traffic, that intentionally prices select products at or below the cost the retailer pays to purchase the product from suppliers.
Assurance offered by a marketer that the product will perform up to expectations or the marketer will support the customer's decision to replace, have the product repaired or accept a return for a refund.
A form of Observational Research where researchers follow customers at work, home and when shopping in order to see how they make decisions, use products and learn other information.
Concerns statistics that describe a population such as age, education level, income, etc., and in marketing is used as a market segmentation variable.
The main good, service or idea the customer is buying when a purchase is made (e.g., the paste within a toothpaste product).
Description given to customers who frequently and enthusiastically purchase a particular brand and are less likely to be enticed to switch to other brands compared to non-loyal customers.
Found within the Culture component of the external influences on consumer buying behavior, this concept represents smaller groups sharing similar values such as ethnicity, geographic location, and special interests.
Found within the Group Membership component of the external influences on consumer buying behavior, this concept represents people and organizations which a person simultaneously associates or, in some cases, feels the need to disassociate.