Frequently Asked Questions

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Method of data collection often associated with Quantitative Research, where the behavior of customers is monitored as they engage in regular purchase or information gathering activities in either an online or offline setting.
A form of contractual dependent channel arrangement where retailers work together to manage channel relationships.
A form of sales promotion and a form of special pricing program, used in both consumer and business markets, that is designed to increase product demand by offering a short-term price reduction (i.e., sale price).
Method of data collection, often associated with Qualitative Research, that allows researchers to talk one-on-one with a respondent thus providing the opportunity to dig deeper and find out additional details that may not be available through other methods.
A component of the internal influences on consumer buying behavior that represents the strength of a persons desire to achieve a certain outcome.
A smaller part of a larger market consisting of customers grouped (i.e., segmented) by characteristic shared by others in their group.
Wholesale format represented by distributors, carrying either broad or narrow product lines, that primarily distribute to business customers (i.e., businesses use the product) rather than selling to other resellers (i.e., those would resell what is purchased).
A sub-category of the sales support sales classification that consists of those who offer expertise to assist other salespeople in the selling process.
Members of a distribution channel who purchase products from the marketing company with the intention of selling to others and includes retailers, wholesalers and industrial distributors.
Key component of the marketer's toolkit that represents decisions on the methods (e.g., advertising, personal selling, public relations) and strategies needed to communicate with a target market.