Frequently Asked Questions

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A distribution design where a marketer uses a combination of direct and indirect distribution systems.
Represent characteristics of a market that allow marketers to create customer grouping (i.e., market segments) and range from broad characteristics, such as demographics, to individually specific characteristics, such as personal product usage.
Refers to techniques for analyzing research data where advanced statistical techniques are used to make judgments (i.e., inferences) such as comparing one customer group to another group, that are statistically supported.
Method of data collection, often associated with Qualitative Research, in which a group of respondents (generally numbering 8-12) are guided through discussion by a moderator in the hope that group interaction will stimulate comments that may not otherwise be elicited.
A direct distribution system where a product marketer also operates their own retail outlets.
A type of dependent channel arrangement where a product provider operates its own distribution system in a manor that produces an integrated channel such as a supplier operating its own chain of retail stores.
A concept in advertising (and promotion in general) that suggests that the existence of a large number of advertising messages within media outlets (e.g., television, newspaper, radio, etc.) makes it difficult for viewers to recognize and remember specific messages (e.g., ad for specific brand).
Wholesale format represented by distributors that require buyers visit the wholesaler's facility, physically select their order, pay in cash (i.e., credit purchases not permitted), and then handle their own delivery (i.e., carry).
A form of trade sales promotion offering channel partners short-term price breaks or other guarantees (e.g., buy back unsold product) for stocking product and, in many cases, for agreeing to promote the product such as placing product in a specific store location (i.e., display allowance) or highlighting the product in company-produced promotions (i.e., advertising allowance).
A distribution channel function where organizations sell products directly to the final consumer for their own personal use.