Scent Marketing

The intentional use of olfactory elements, such as an odor or fragrance, for the purpose of enhancing customers’ experience with a product.

Second-Level Package

For some products this level of packaging surrounds the first-level package for the purpose of added protection or to serve as the primary package.

CRM Technology

Computer and information systems that allow nearly anyone in an organization that comes into contact with a customer (e.g., sales force, service force, customer service representatives) to have timely access to necessary customer information.

Early Adopters

The second category within the Diffusion of Innovation consisting of a sizeable though not large percentage of a market who are primarily characterized as being enthusiastic but practical about new products and often communicate their experiences with the next category (i.e., Early Majority) and in this way serve as Opinion Leaders.


A component of the internal influences on consumer buying behavior that represents the sum of all information known by a person.


A markup pricing method in which markup is viewed as a percentage of the product’s selling price and is determined by dividing the cost of each item by one minus a predetermined percentage.

Press Release (also News Release)

A document issued by a company and intended to gain news media attention or to provide information to other company stakeholders (e.g., customers, investors).

Qualitative Data Collection

Research approach, often dubbed touchy-feely research, that requires researchers to interpret the information gathered, most often without the benefit of statistical support.


A component of the external influences on consumer buying behavior that represents the behavior, beliefs and way people act learned through interaction and observation of other members of society.

Early Majority

The third category within the Diffusion of Innovation consisting of up to one-third of the overall market who represent the beginning of the mass market and who are primarily characterized as liking new products but prefer to wait until they have received positive opinions for other (e.g., Early Adopters) before purchasing.