Diffusion of Innovation

A concept that explains how information and acceptance of new products spread through a market.

Modified Re-Purchase

A type of business purchase decision in which a buyer, who previously gave little consideration for alternatives when purchasing a certain type of product, has now decided to consider other options thus increasing the chances of purchasing from a new supplier.

Perceptual Filter

A component of the internal influences on consumer buying behavior that affects, through both conscious and subconscious processes, how a consumer perceives the world.

Digital Convergence

A growing trend for using computer technology to deliver media programming and information, thus allowing media from one type of outlet (e.g., newspaper) to take advantage of features and benefits offered through other media outlets (e.g., Internet).


Characteristics of a product that offer functional and/or psychological benefits to a customer.

Market Research Distributors

Companies that function as intermediaries in the research market by acquiring access to information, such as research reports, from producers of the research (e.g., market research companies) and then selling this information to those seeking research (e.g., marketer developing a new product).

Mom-and-Pop Retailer

Retail format represented by a small, individually or family owned and operated outlet that generally services a local community often with a high level of service but relatively small product selection.

Promotion Mix

The general name give to the four major methods marketers have for promoting their products that include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and public relations.


A business classification that includes resellers who, in general, obtain products from suppliers in order to sell to the final consumer.

Market Segment

A smaller part of a larger market consisting of customers grouped (i.e., segmented) by characteristic shared by others in their group.