A type of dependent channel arrangement where a single channel member, such as a leading brand manufacturer or large retailer, has achieved a significant power position and dominates the decisions that occur within the channel.
Retail format represented by general merchandise retailers that offer very limited product selection and relatively high prices but offer easy purchase experience through accessible store locations, small store size for quick shopping and fast checkout.
Wholesale format represented by distributors, carrying either broad or narrow product lines, that primarily distribute to business customers (i.e., businesses use the product) rather than selling to other resellers (i.e., those would resell what is purchased).
Method of data collection, often associated with Qualitative Research, that allows researchers to talk one-on-one with a respondent thus providing the opportunity to dig deeper and find out additional details that may not be available through other methods.
Method of data collection often associated with Quantitative Research, where the behavior of customers is monitored as they engage in regular purchase or information gathering activities in either an online or offline setting.
A form of trade sales promotion offering channel partners short-term price breaks or other guarantees (e.g., buy back unsold product) for stocking product and, in many cases, for agreeing to promote the product such as placing product in a specific store location (i.e., display allowance) or highlighting the product in company-produced promotions (i.e., advertising allowance).